Pedestrian Line Marking

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May 11, 2021 Posted by: Admin Tips & Advice

Here’s why Pedestrian Line Marking is Important

Crossing the road is easy for most people but for others, it can be very scary. Are you sometimes afraid when crossing a road or a street?

That is understandable, especially if cars are driving by fast. Another reason is maybe there are not any pedestrian crossings near you. To ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists, pedestrian crossings or more commonly known as zebra markings are drawn along roads, streets and avenues all over the globe.

What are pedestrian line markings?

These pedestrian lanes are similar to sidewalks. Their function is the same and they both ensure safety. However, they are different when it comes to their area of designation.

Pedestrian line marking or crossings are the white stripes you see along roads and streets drawn longitudinally across the pathway to indicate the designated space for people to cross. When we say cross, we mean cross safely of course.

These markings are mostly marked in white for visibility. These traffic markings are not only there to guide people but to also ensure their safety as well as compliance of motorists with traffic rules and guidelines.

Some line crossings are accompanied by signage to communicate rules of safety to both pedestrians and motorists. There are different markings along roads that convey different rules. For example, yellow lines separate vehicles driving in opposite directions and broken white lines guide motorists where they can switch lanes.

What are the standards for these markings?

First of all, you can’t just simply draw straight white lines along roads and streets. There are workers deployed for this and there are certain standards they follow. When marking these walk lines in Australia, there are certain factors to consider including pedestrian volume and road dimension. The most important thing is to make sure that all line markings are well marked and visible to everyone, especially at night with roadway or street lighting. These markings must be well maintained because their visibility can fade over time.

What is its purpose?

Improves traffic flow.

Pedestrian markings regulate traffic and minimise congestion that benefits both motorists and pedestrians. These markings avoid road accidents and collisions that may result in minor to serious damages and injuries.

Ensure and increase pedestrian and road safety.

Of course, these markings are there to ensure the safety of both pedestrians and motorists along roads, streets and avenues, especially during the night. They also reduce “walking along roadway” accidents or crashes.

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