Revolutionising Line Marking Removal

Angle Line Marking > Blog > Tips & Advice > Revolutionising Line Marking Removal
May 19, 2023 Posted by: Admin Tips & Advice

As populations continue to grow and urban areas expand, the importance of road maintenance becomes increasingly significant. One critical aspect of road maintenance is the removal of old-line markings, which can pose a safety hazard and create confusion for drivers. Traditionally, line marking removal has been done through sandblasting or chemical treatments, but these methods are time-consuming, environmentally harmful, and pose health risks to workers. Fortunately, a new technology has emerged that is revolutionising the way road maintenance is done in Australia: grinding.

Grinding is a method of line marking removal that involves the use of specialised equipment to mechanically grind away the markings from the surface of the road. This technique is highly effective, quick, and efficient, making it the preferred choice for many road maintenance professionals in Australia. Not only does grinding save time and money compared to traditional methods, but it is also more environmentally friendly and safer for workers.

Another benefit of grinding is its speed. With traditional methods, such as sandblasting, it can take several days to remove a single line of markings. Grinding, on the other hand, can remove up to 10 times as much marking per hour as traditional methods, making it an incredibly efficient process. This not only saves time but also reduces the disruption to traffic, as road closures and diversions can be kept to a minimum.

Perhaps the most significant advantage of grinding, however, is its environmental impact. Traditional methods of line marking removal can be incredibly damaging to the environment, releasing harmful chemicals and particulates into the air and water. Grinding, on the other hand, produces no hazardous waste and has a much lower carbon footprint, due to the use of industrial vacuums which, immediately capture and store air-borne particles and paint waste preventing it from entering stormwater drains and the environment. This makes it a more sustainable and eco-friendly option for road maintenance in Australia.

As road maintenance technology continues to evolve, grinding will play an increasingly important role in the future. Its precision, speed, and environmental benefits make it a clear choice for many road maintenance professionals in Australia, and it is likely that we will see an increasing number of road maintenance projects using this method in the years to come.
Grinding is revolutionising the way we do road maintenance in Australia. Its precision, speed, and environmental benefits make it a clear choice for line marking removal, and its use is likely to become even more widespread in the future. As we continue to prioritise sustainability and efficiency in road maintenance, grinding will be at the forefront of this important work.