Road Line Marking Standards in Australia: Everything You Need to Know

Angle Line Marking > Blog > Tips & Advice > Road Line Marking Standards in Australia
Mar 22, 2023 Posted by: Admin Tips & Advice

Road line marking is an essential aspect of road safety, and it is vital that the standards for road line marking are met in Australia. Road line markings provide drivers with visual cues that help them stay within their lane and navigate intersections, roundabouts, and other road features safely. In this blog, we will discuss the road line marking standards in Australia and everything you need to know about them.

Road line marking standards in Australia are set by the Australian Standard AS 1742.2: Traffic Control Devices for General Use – Part 2: Traffic Control Devices for Urban Roads. This standard provides guidelines for the design, installation, and maintenance of road line markings in urban areas across Australia.

The standard outlines the different types of road line markings, including edge lines, lane lines, centre lines, and pedestrian crossings. Each type of line marking has a specific purpose and must meet certain requirements to be considered compliant with the standard. For example, edge lines are used to indicate the edge of the roadway and must be continuous, while lane lines are used to separate traffic lanes and must be broken.

The standard also specifies the minimum dimensions and colours for each type of road line marking. For example, centre lines must be white, while edge lines can be either white or yellow. The standard also outlines the recommended width and thickness of each line marking, depending on the speed limit and traffic volume of the road.

In addition to specifying the types of road line markings and their dimensions, the standard also provides guidelines for the placement and spacing of the markings. For example, lane lines should be spaced at a distance of no more than 5 metres apart, while edge lines should be placed no more than 300 millimetres from the edge of the roadway.

To ensure compliance with the road line marking standards, road authorities across Australia use specialised equipment to measure the width, thickness, and colour of the road line markings. They also regularly inspect the markings to ensure that they are visible, reflective, and in good condition. If any markings do not meet the standards, they are repainted or replaced as necessary.

In conclusion, road line marking standards in Australia are essential to ensure the safety of drivers, pedestrians, and other road users. The Australian Standard AS 1742.2 provides detailed guidelines for the design, installation, and maintenance of road line markings in urban areas across the country. By adhering to these standards, road authorities can ensure that the road line markings are visible, reflective, and in good condition, helping to reduce the risk of accidents and improve road safety for all.